The power of God not only caused Christ to be raised from
the dead, it even also ‘made him to sit on [God’s] right hand in the
heavenly places, far above all . . . : and [God] put all things in
subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to
the church” Here we learn that God has made Christ
head over all things, and this is for the church. Christ is made head
over all things that the church may be benefited. Consequently, the
church may receive from the Lord the supply of this power. Now
since the power in us is such a power, and we have such a treasure in
us, what else can God give us if we still fail as Christians? We should
say to Him: “Do not give any more, for You have done it all.” Let us
see that this power is today within us, and there is therefore no
problem we Christians cannot solve and no temptation we cannot
overcome. For the power in us Christians is the resurrection, that
power which surpasses anything else and which put all things in
subjection under the feet of Christ. It works according to the working
of the strength of God’s might which He has wrought in Christ.😊
Let me say that were you truly to know God, then neither the faith
of the entire world would help you believe nor would the unbelief of
the entire world shake loose your faith. Perhaps other people may
assert so convincingly that the Bible is totally false and their reasons
for unbelief may seem to be far more overwhelming than all the
reasons for believing; yet no matter how many reasons they may
marshal before you, your faith will not be shaken. Instead, you can
now speak ever so boldly: “I have come to know God inwardly. My
knowledge is deeper than thought and is deeper than feeling. I today
inwardly understand; and therefore nothing from outside can sway
Do not be anxious

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
One of my favorite sports movies of all time has to be “Rudy,” the true story of Rudy Ruettiger, who after years of striving to play college football, played just a handful of downs as a walk-on at the University of Notre Dame.
There’s one part of the movie where Rudy has been struggling at a small college trying to improve his grades so he can transfer to Notre Dame. He’s frustrated and his time is running out to transfer. So he goes to church to talk to his mentor, a Catholic priest. Rudy shares his frustration and asks the priest if there’s anything he can do to help get him into Notre Dame.
The priest pauses for a moment and replies, “Son, in 35 years of religious studies, I’ve come up with two hard, incontrovertible facts: There is a God. And I’m not Him.”
When times get tough and we’re frustrated and tired, remembering that solemn truth can help us overcome our anxieties. This is not our world; this is not our time; this is God’s Kingdom. He is the One who is ultimately in control. Trust Him with your frustrations and anxieties, and He’ll work everything out for good!

All people want to be known and understood. This also applies to how God views our relationship with Him. While He knows our every thought and can number the hairs on our head, we also should be learning His ways—in other words, how our Father thinks, what motivates Him, and what His plan and purpose are.
Yet, though we desire to know God’s mind, He makes it quite clear that, humanly speaking, that’s impossible. In Isaiah 55:9, He tells us, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” This is why He gives us His Spirit—to teach us and reveal what we otherwise couldn’t understand (1 Corinthians 2:11-13).
Growing in this spiritual understanding is necessary if we are to have a relationship with God (Jer. 24:7). And we must know His ways before we can walk in them (Ex. 33:13). Of course, following Jesus doesn’t eliminate pain, nor does it ensure that everything will happen as we would choose. But we have assurance that He loves us and has a plan for our lives. He gives us strength and stability to follow Him, no matter where His path may lead us.
As we walk in God’s way, He gives us everything we need to have the abundant life Scripture promises. He’s a loving Father to bestow such goodness and kindness on His children.So then strive to know Him more.
May God help us to know Him more.Shalom

Regardless of what you have done, no one is beyond hope. That’s the great hope of the Christian message. No amount or depth of sin in your past can trump the grace of God. If you question that, remember Saul, the brash Pharisee of Tarsus. When the Lord saved him, He didn’t put him on probation. The other disciples did that. No, God gave Saul a new name and, in the process, made him a new creation. That’s what makes grace so amazing!
Even though your past is soiled, anyone can find a new beginning with God. I’ve made the same statement throughout my ministry: It’s never too late to start doing what is right. When Saul knelt before the living God, he finally faced the reality of his sin. Deep within the man, Christ transformed his life, and he started doing what was right. Grace provides that sort of new beginning.
Don’t get stuck on where you were. Don’t waste your time focusing on what you used to be. Remember, the hope we have in Christ means there’s a brighter tomorrow. Sins are forgiven. Shame is cancelled out. We’re no longer chained to a deep, dark pit of the past. Grace gives us wings to soar beyond it.
Could it be that you are stuck because of something from your past? Perhaps it has pinned you to the ground with embarrassment, shame, and fear. You’re crippled by it. The best you can do is to limp through each day, hoping for a painless end. That way of thinking is from the enemy, Satan. He loves to push your nose in the dirt, hoping to make you miss the marvelous claims of grace.
Don’t allow him that power in your life today. Around you are people who have no greater claim on grace than you do, and the Lord mercifully brought them out of their pit of sin. If He could turn a Saul of Tarsus, who was engaged in a murderous rampage, into a Paul the apostle, who preached and lived the message of grace, He can change your life too.
1. Spiritual growth is not determined by your longevity in the Christian Faith or regularity in church.
2. The display of the gifts of the Spirit is never an accurate measure of Spiritual growth.
3. The only entity capable of making men knowGod is the Holy Spirit.
4. Worship is a ladder in the Spirit. We can use it to ascend dimensions in the Spirit.
5. If Worship did not change you then you did not worship.
6. A worshipper is not a musician or a singer. He is someone who understands the dynamics of hosting God.
7. God is glorified in Kingdom advancement and not in denominationalism.
8. The infinite wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the Spirit.
9. The level of your walk with Godreflects in your love for people.
10. Impartation is the transference of possibilities.
11. A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on God’s Word.
12. The Spirit life requires that your desires, appetites and ambitions come under the submission of God’s Will.

I know there are people who say we should preach against sin, but that’s wrong. Anybody who is preaching against sin right now is not sure of himself. Jesus didn’t say preach against sin, rather he said “Preach the gospel”. Yes! It is the gospel that brings men out of sin. Roman 1:16 says the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. So you see? We are to preach the gospel, and what is the gospel? The gospel is the availability of the righteousness of God. What did Jesus say, “The son of man is not come to condemn the world” that is it.
He didn’t come to tell them of their sins, they already know about their sins, they’re so frustrated with their sins, and there are so many of them who wanna come out of it,but the only problem is, they don’t know the way out. So Jesus said preach the gospel, what’s the gospel,the Goodnews. Let them know there’s a way out for them, let them know God loves and cherish them the way they are. The gospel is all about showing men the love and goodness of the father. Rom 2:4 says “Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering;not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? You see that?
The goodness of God leads men to repentance not the judgement of God. Noah preached the judgment and only his family changed, same with lot and his family. But a whole nation changed when Paul preached the gospel. Your ministry is not to preach Gods judgment,but His goodness. You can’t scare people with the judgment, but you extend the love of Christ towards them. Though hell is more than real yet we don’t scare them with hell. We let them know that there’s no need going to hell, because Jesus himself went to hell for our sake, so that we shouldn’t go there anymore. We let them know that Jesus already took our sins upon himself and has given to us His righteousness to live by. So focus on sharing the gospel that will make one grow… what will sustain and control the individual…not in fear but in love …our relationship with God should be build on His truth and not in our fear… Just as Jesus came to do so should we..
Isaiah 61 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Exaltation of the Afflicted
61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord has anointed and commissioned me
To bring good news to the humble and afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted,
To proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives
And freedom to prisoners,
To proclaim [a]the favorable year of the Lord,
[b]And the day of vengeance and retribution of our God,
To comfort all who mourn,
To grant to those who mourn in Zion the following:
To give them a [c]turban instead of dust [on their heads, a sign of mourning],
The oil of joy instead of mourning,
The garment [expressive] of praise instead of a disheartened spirit.
So they will be called the trees of righteousness [strong and magnificent, distinguished for integrity, justice, and right standing with God],
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.
Gal.5.18 – But if you are guided (led) by the [Holy] Spirit, you are not subject to the Law. — null
Gal.5.19 – Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency,
Gal.5.20 – Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies),
Gal.5.21 – Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Gal.5.22 – But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,
Gal.5.23 – Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
~Every pain has a lesson and
every lesson changes a person ~
The Bible is the word of God. It is full of God’s light. Yet this light will only enlighten those who are
open to Him. Second Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting
like a mirror the glory of the Lord.” The basic qualification for being enlightened by the glory of the
Lord is to behold Him with unveiled face. If a man comes to the Lord with a veiled face, the glory will
not enlighten him. God’s light will only enlighten those who are open to Him. If a man is not open to
God, he will not receive God’s light. The trouble with some people is that they are closed to the Lord.
Their spirit, heart, will, and mind are all closed to God. As a result, the light of the Scriptures will not
reach them. Even though the sun is full of light and shines on the whole world, its light will not reach a
person who sits inside a room with closed door and windows. The problem is not with the light but
with the person. Light will only shine on those who are open to it. This is true of physical light, and this
is also true of spiritual light. Whenever we lock ourselves in, light cannot shine through. Some people
are closed to the Lord; they can never see God’s light. We must not pay attention just to reading and
studying; rather, we should ask if we are open before the Lord. If we do not have an unveiled face, the
glory of the Lord will not shine on us. If our heart is not open to God, God cannot give us any light.
Light operates according to a law. It shines on those who are open to it, and the amount of shining
depends on the amount of openness. This is a law. If all the doors and windows of a room are closed
but just one crack is left open, light will still come in. It is not difficult to get the light. As long as one
follows this law, he will receive the light. But if he acts contrary to this law, he will not have any light.
A man who is closed to God may study and pray much, but he will remain ignorant as far as
understanding the Bible is concerned. It is hard for a man to expect any light when he is not open to
God. God’s light does not come unconditionally. In order to have God’s light, one must first fulfill the
conditions for receiving it.
Every child of God has a Bible in his hand, but the amount of light each receives from this book is
different. Some are completely ignorant of what the Bible says. Others receive some light from reading
it. Still others are full of light when they read it. The reason for the difference is that the persons
reading it are different. God’s light is the same, but the persons are different. People who are open to
God can understand the Bible. Others who are closed to God cannot understand the Bible. Some are
closed completely, and as a result they are in complete darkness. Others are closed partially, and as a
result they receive partial light. Any lack of sight that we experience, whether great or small, complete
or partial, means that we are in darkness. We should never consider it a small thing to find ourselves
having difficulty understanding the Bible. If we have difficulty understanding the Bible, it can only
mean one thing: We are living in darkness! It is a very serious thing to read God’s Word and not
understand or receive any light from it.
Next, we should ask what is the meaning of being open to God? Openness comes from unconditional
and unreserved consecration. Openness to God is not a temporary attitude; it is a permanent disposition
which a man develops before God. It is not an incidental temperament but a continuous practice.
Openness to God can only come from unconditional and unreserved consecration. If a man’s
consecration to God is perfect and absolute, he will have no reservation toward God and will not be
closed in any way. Any closedness reflects shortages in one’s consecration. Darkness is the result of
being closed, and being closed is the result of a lack of consecration. Any time there is a shortage of
consecration, there will be reservations. When a man refuses to humble himself before God in any area,
he will try to justify himself instead. As a consequence, he cannot understand the scriptural truth related
to that same area. As soon as he touches that area, he will try to dodge it. This is the reason we say that
darkness comes from being closed, and being closed comes from a lack of consecration. All kinds of
darkness come as a result of being closed, and being closed in any area is the result of a lack of
consecration and submission.So make yourselves consecrated vessels to fully submit to the word of God.
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