Christ the head of the church

The power of God not only caused Christ to be raised from
the dead, it even also ‘made him to sit on [God’s] right hand in the
heavenly places, far above all . . . : and [God] put all things in
subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to
the church” Here we learn that God has made Christ
head over all things, and this is for the church. Christ is made head
over all things that the church may be benefited. Consequently, the
church may receive from the Lord the supply of this power. Now
since the power in us is such a power, and we have such a treasure in
us, what else can God give us if we still fail as Christians? We should
say to Him: “Do not give any more, for You have done it all.” Let us
see that this power is today within us, and there is therefore no
problem we Christians cannot solve and no temptation we cannot
overcome. For the power in us Christians is the resurrection, that
power which surpasses anything else and which put all things in
subjection under the feet of Christ. It works according to the working
of the strength of God’s might which He has wrought in Christ.😊


Let me say that were you truly to know God, then neither the faith
of the entire world would help you believe nor would the unbelief of
the entire world shake loose your faith. Perhaps other people may
assert so convincingly that the Bible is totally false and their reasons
for unbelief may seem to be far more overwhelming than all the
reasons for believing; yet no matter how many reasons they may
marshal before you, your faith will not be shaken. Instead, you can
now speak ever so boldly: “I have come to know God inwardly. My
knowledge is deeper than thought and is deeper than feeling. I today
inwardly understand; and therefore nothing from outside can sway